[Amps] Current draw at 110 volts for SB-200 and SB-1000

Gary Smith wa6fgi at sbcglobal.net
Sat Dec 4 12:44:47 EST 2004

Rich: thanks for the tune-up on amplifier tank circuitry. I do enjoy this list, I do.  Make me sit back and think about what I know (vaguely of) vs. what I thought I forgot.
Gary, WA6FGI

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: R. Measures 
  To: Gary Smith 
  Cc: Martin J. Morgenbesser ; Kim Elmore ; AMPS at contesting.com 
  Sent: Saturday, December 04, 2004 4:33 AM
  Subject: Re: [Amps] Current draw at 110 volts for SB-200 and SB-1000

  On Dec 3, 2004, at 8:35 PM, Gary Smith wrote:

  > Good friend of mine Marion, KJ6DB, has my old 811H, sez it works so 
  > well he forgets about it.  Amp is three or so years old, I had it 
  > wired on 220v, sent it to him he returned the jumpers on the xfrmr 
  > input board to 117v, operates it on 10 mtrs sees about 600 watts or so 
  > out, he drives it with an Icom 756, first model.
  >  My .02 on this amp vs. say, the Heathkit: the SB-220 will operate 80 
  > thru 10 (if it has the 10m mod kit in it) while the entire Ameritron 
  > line will operate 160 thru 15, warc bands included, 12/10 mtrs, owner 
  > modifiable.
  > To answer this question before you ask it , operating the SB-220 on 
  > 17/12 meters will strain the dickens out of the tank circuits with a 
  > severe loss of power output. This is what I asked Jim Harbach the 
  > heathkit mods guy, I am repeating what he told me.

  Hello, Gary -- There is an approximate 10% increase in tank circulating 
  current through the bandswitch by operating a SB-220, TL-922, L4, et 
  cetera on 12m (using 10m position) or operating on 17m (using 15m 
  position) -- but the strain is easily offset by decreasing the anode 
  supply V -- i. e., using the CW tap on the HV to reduce the RF 
  -  note - due to skin effect, the additional heat is greater on 12m 
  > I know I maybe accused of beating the Ameritron drum too hard,  but 
  > they are a fairly modern design assembled with modern (read easily 
  > available) components for the bands we have available to us at what I 
  > consider a more than fair price.

  - Unless Ameritron amplifiers use more tank L for 12m than they use for 
  10m, they have the same tradeoff on 12m as the SB-220, TL-922, et 
  - The Ameritron amplifiers that I have seen use no forced air cooling 
  on the bandswitch or tank L, and they use tank L conductor sizes that 
  do not adequately compensate for skin effect on 20m - 10m.

  > 73 and so-forth,
  > Gary, WA6FGI
  > Oh how I wish for an new Alpha 99 and a Christmas tree full of neon 
  > bulbs so I could light them up with no wires attached.

  An 8171 does a better job -- and you can light up the neighbors'  
  Christmas trees too.
  > ...

  Richard L. Measures, AG6K, 805.386.3734.  www.somis.org

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