[Amps] fl2100F

carl seyersdahl carlseye at tampabay.rr.com
Wed Dec 8 19:55:48 EST 2004

I've had two answers on this and I now see what the problem is.!!!
  There seems to have been numerous amps , using a pair of 572B's (various
mfrs.) None of these were perfect, BUT , some better than others.
 I've repaired some of these amps, mostly SB 200's , and with a little
"modern" application of parts, etc, most have worked quite well.!!!
 However: The Heathkits mostly didn't have the 160 band, so I keep wondering
about it.!!!
   But I think the biggest problem is the HF end ( as in 10meters).!!!
   Seems to me there were always those who could "invent" new mistakes in
these amps.!!!
   Let's go back to the "almost perfect amp" , modify it for a pair of
572B's and see if we can improve the designs.!!
   Only one person I know of  can do this job, and I think all on this list
know who that is .!!!!
    I'm already working on one amp of this type, but I'm
  so old and so slow I may never get to it before I go to my "great reward"
, so I'm hoping someone can give me
a boost.!!!!  Yak Yak >!!!!!
   Thanks to all.!!!
    carl / kz5ca

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