[Amps] P.C. boards

ad5gb ad5gb at myway.com
Fri Dec 10 13:40:18 EST 2004

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Randall D. DuCharme (Radio AD5GB)

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 --- On Fri 12/10, Dennis Watkins < andromeda at seanet.com > wrote:
From: Dennis Watkins [mailto: andromeda at seanet.com]
To: amps at contesting.com
Date: Fri, 10 Dec 2004 08:51:43 -0800
Subject: [Amps] P.C. boards

There's a fellow with a salty old call that makes P.C. boards<br>for the home brew amp builder.  Can some one refresh whats<br>left of my memory..<br>Retafier boards, input filtering, control boards etc<br><br>Dennis  W7JX<br><br>_______________________________________________<br>Amps mailing list<br>Amps at contesting.com<br>http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/amps<br>

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