[Amps] 3-1000 or 4-1000

Dino Darling k6rix at earthlink.net
Thu Dec 23 14:12:45 EST 2004

Thanks for posting this back to the group!  I would not have been able to 
learn this as the posts went directly to you instead of the group.  I guess 
it would have been OK to ask the very same question again though...

Thanks goes to Dennis for telling us WHY its a 4- instead of a 3- !!!

Sorry you are getting two copies of this e-mail.  Its the acceptable method 
of responding to posts here.

(Jeeez, who put what in MY egg nog?!  :-)

At 06:47 PM 12/23/2004 +0000, you wrote:
>Thanks guys!
>I am very impressed. Within literally seconds of my
>message being posted I had authoritive answers from
>lots of people.
>It is a 4-1000A.
>73 Roger

Dino...k6rix at earthlink.net 

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