Phil Clements philk5pc at tyler.net
Sun Dec 26 17:32:08 EST 2004

>> By the way, the filter is 2 units of 194uF @ 30KV
>> and weigh around 200 pounds each.
> in my opinion the filter bank is too much oversized for a 3-phase
> powersupply
> even when no bridge rectifier  is used and that caused the problem
> with the diodes.
> With a commercial tv transmitter I would expect it being on the air
> around the clock with rare occasions were the power supply is being
> switched
> 73
> Peter

It appears that the C filter was over-engineered and the inrush 
ignored by the manufacturer.

I would think 5-10 MFD worth of filtering would be plenty. The ripple 
out of a full-wave three
phase bridge rectifier is C. 1% if my memory is still intact.

Phil, K5PC 

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