[Amps] Computer security (was Power Transformer)

G0RUZ Conrad conrad at g0ruz.net
Mon Dec 27 10:38:07 EST 2004

I have not bothered quoting the previous email for brevity but I have to say
that there is nothing that I hate more than an almost evangelical approach
to convincing people that their 'way' is right.

My opinions on this matter in order of (my) priority are as follows:

1. I would rather read about this subject on the 'old computer geeks bashing
Microsoft because I'm to old to be a punk rocker but still want to be
rebellious' reflector and NOT the amps reflector.

2. Every alternative operating system that I try just seem to trying hard to
look more like windows with each incarnation.

3. I use Linux because of the marvellous Linrad receiver by SM5BSZ, it is
quite a painful experience getting it up and running.

4. I like many others use windows because it is almost universal and
politics and morals notwithstanding I am constantly pleased with what I am
able to easily do on my windows/Intel x86 based machines.

It is quite obvious to me that which ever platform prevailed then that
platform would inevitably be targeted by the malicious people out there.

So please can we talk about amplifiers now :-)~

Conrad G0RUZ

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