[Amps] 8122 x 12

VE6JY Don Moman ve6jy at freenet.edmonton.ab.ca
Tue Dec 28 23:49:35 EST 2004

Each tube is run way below max... the amp has to be unconditionally stable
into any output load - from 0 to infinity over its rated range. Efficiency
is not its' strong point, but linearity and survivability are.   I have
several of the 2000 watt versions of this amp - they use 10 x 8122 tubes.

73 Don

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Chris Howard" <chris at yipyap.com>
To: <amps at contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, December 29, 2004 04:18
Subject: [Amps] 8122 x 12

> I dropped by the university surplus warehouse today
> and picked up a couple of beat-up RF amps, Amplifier
> Research Model 200L.  Only one has it's RF deck, and
> that has just 11 of it's 12 8122 tubes resident.
> I'm a little confused though.  From what I can find
> out this guy was supposed to do 200 Watts output
> over a wide frequency range.  Why would they
> need 12 tubes?
> And the power supply looks pretty hefty, but
> the 8122 datasheet says 2000 volts and 300 ma
> for the plate.  Wouldn't that be (.3 X 12) 4 amps at
> 2000 volts?  I don't think the primary side
> leads look like they will carry that much current.
> What am I missing here?
> Chris
> kc0atc
> -- 
> Chris Howard                                     YipYap.Com
> chris at yipyap.com                                 Estes Park, Colorado  USA
> current Estes Park weather --  http://www.yipyap.com/wscurrent.html
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