[Amps] Gu78b tubes
Thomas Hix
w4th at hotmail.com
Fri Feb 6 12:30:46 EST 2004
I have had several inquiries about the GU78B tube being used in the Emtron
DX-3 amp from Australia.
A lot of the guys asking about the GU78B said they had been told, or they
had heard, that the GU78B tube was no longer being sold, and were just about
impossible to find.....It's news to me. I have them in stock right now, and
I have more in the pipeline on the way to me at this time. So please....dont
worry about being able to get the gu78b tubes in the future....my suppliers
assure me the GU78B are in good supply.
Tom Hix.....Tom's Tubes......W4TH
Tom's Tubes: Specializing in Amateur Radio Amplifier Tubes, Sockets, & G3SEK
Triode/Tetrode Boards and Kits. http://www.tomstubes.com
>From: amps-request at contesting.com >Reply-To: amps at contesting.com >To:
>amps at contesting.com >Subject: Amps Digest, Vol 14, Issue 8 >Date: Fri, 6
>Feb 2004 12:00:36 -0500 (EST) > >Send Amps mailing list submissions to >
>amps at contesting.com > >To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web,
>visit > http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/amps >or, via email,
>send a message with subject or body 'help' to > amps-request at contesting.com
> > >You can reach the person managing the list at >
>amps-owner at contesting.com > >When replying, please edit your Subject line
>so it is more specific >than "Re: Contents of Amps digest..." > > >Today's
>Topics: > > 1. Re: Re: matching network (R.Measures) > 2. Re: Re: matching
>network > 3. FL2100b on SIX? Possible (Etienne Swart) > 4. Re: Re: matching
>network (R.Measures) > 5. Tube Physical Sizes (Mike Selfridge) > >
> >---------------------------------------------------------------------- >
> >Date: Thu, 5 Feb 2004 05:07:01 -0800 >From: R.Measures >To: "Ian White,
>G3SEK" , > " AMPS" >Subject: Re: [Amps] Re: matching network >Message-ID:
><20040205130722.793AA319101 at dayton.akorn.net> >Content-Type: text/plain;
>charset="US-ASCII" >MIME-Version: 1.0 >Precedence: list >Message: 1 > > > >
> >R. Measures wrote: > > > >>>you can safely operate *any* tetrode in class
>AB1, > >>>cathode-driven. The requirement is that the control grid has the
>correct > >>>negative bias, and the screen has the correct positive
>voltage. These > >>>voltages are exactly as recommended by the manufacturer
>for class AB1, > >>>grid-driven. > >>> > >>>For cathode drive, both grids
>must be grounded to RF. But in order to > >>>apply different DC voltages,
>at least one grid cannot be connected > >>>direct to chassis - it has to be
>RF-grounded through a bypass capacitor. > >>>Because the recommended
>voltages are measured relative to the cathode, > >>>all three power
>supplies (anode, screen and control-grid bias) generally > >>>have to
>'float' relative to the chassis potential. > >>> > >>>The correct DC bias
>voltages ensure that all the DC "grid" current goes > >>>to the screen, and
>*none* to the control grid... in other words, correct > >>>class-AB1
>operation. > >> > >>** Ian -- Is the power gain with cathode-driven and no
>g1 current the > >>same as with 'super-cathode' drive -- i.e., c. 5? > > >
> >No. > > > >In 'Single Sideband Principles & Circuits' by Pappenfus,
>Bruene and > >Schoenike (aka the Collins company) they first describe GG
>triode > >operation, and quote typical power gains of 7 to 20. > > > >They
>then continue: "Tetrode tubes can also be used in cathode-driven >
> >operation. The power gain is considerably higher, and is in the 20-to-50
> > >region." > >** Ian -- I too once thought this was the case, but a
>friend proved it >is not by experimenting with a 4-1000A tetrode amplifier.
>The reason the >power gain is not: "considerably higher, and is in the
>20-to-50 >region." >is simply that when the grids are RF-grounded, and the
>cathode is driven, >the driver must be able to supply the relatively large
>cathode current on >the negative half of the driving cycle. However, when
>the grid of a >tetrode is driven, the current is less because the only
>current flowing >is in the grid terminator. >- For example, the grid-driven
>tetrode amplifier I am currently >collecting parts for: The driving current
>needed to supply the grid >terminator-R is (160w/50-ohms) ^0.5 = 1.8A.
>However, if the cathode of >this tube were driven instead, the driver would
>need to supply c. 5 A to >the cathode. Since P = I^2 x R, the difference in
>driving power needed >is nothing to sneeze at. >- Humans make mistakes. I
>make mistakes and even some blunders. Had >Pappenfus, Bruene and Schoenike
>tried driving a tetrode via the cathode - >like my friend did, they would
>have no doubt discovered that when a >tetrode is not grid-driven, it acts
>like a g-g triode. The reason is >that g1/g2 amplification does not occur
>unless driving potential exists >between the grid and the screen, with the
>screen and cathode at the same >RF potential -- i.e., screen-cathode
>RF-grounded. > > > >They then consider semi-cathode-driven,
>super-cathode-driven and the RF > >feedback arrangement used on the 30S-1.
> > > > >It's well worth reading. > >** I have a schematic diagram. The
>power gain of a stock 30S-1 is >reportedly c. 9.5. In AB1 grid-driven
>configuration, instead of >cathode-driven configuration, the power gain of
>its 4cx1000A could be 50x. > > > >>- If g1 is never to be driven more
>positive than the cathode potential, > >>why not connect it to the cathode?
> > > > >It's all in that book. > > >** Indeed. > >cheers
> >------------------------------ > >Date: Thu, 5 Feb 2004 10:40:58 EST
> >From: TexasRF at aol.com >To: r at somis.org, g3sek at ifwtech.co.uk,
>amps at contesting.com >Subject: Re: [Amps] Re: matching network >Message-ID:
><8b.2a214b7.2d53be0a at aol.com> >Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
> >MIME-Version: 1.0 >Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit >Precedence: list
> >Message: 2 > >I have heard the term "super cathode drive" many times but
>have not seen an >explanation of what it means. A Google search turns up
>links that mention super >cathode drive and G2DAF circuits but no real
>definition. > >Can anyone out there clarify this subject? > >Tnx/73, >K5GW
> >------------------------------ > >Date: Thu, 5 Feb 2004 19:14:24 +0200
> >From: "Etienne Swart" >To: >Subject: [Amps] FL2100b on SIX? Possible
> >Message-ID: <006001c3ec0b$91f2a6e0$3db317c4 at etienneswart> >Content-Type:
>text/plain; > charset="iso-8859-1" >MIME-Version: 1.0
> >Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable >Precedence: list >Message: 3
> > >Look all over the net! >can't find a mod to put the FL2100b onto
> >sixmeters. >Any ideas? >Thanks Etienne ZS6YFrom G3SEK at ifwtech.co.uk Thu
>Feb 5 13:55:06 2004 >Return-Path: >X-Original-To: amps at contesting.com
> >Delivered-To: amps at contesting.com >Received: from localhost (localhost
>[]) > by dayton.akorn.net (Postfix) with ESMTP id 191C5319443 >
>for ; Thu, 5 Feb 2004 13:55:06 -0500 (EST) >Received: from dayton.akorn.net
>([]) > by localhost (dayton.akorn.net []) (amavisd-new,
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>18:55:00 +0000 >Message-ID: <6WleGgAJPnIAFAd2 at ifwtech.co.uk> >Date: Thu, 5
>Feb 2004 16:48:09 +0000 >To: amps at contesting.com >From: "Ian White, G3SEK"
> >Subject: Re: [Amps] Re: matching network >References:
><8b.2a214b7.2d53be0a at aol.com> >In-Reply-To: <8b.2a214b7.2d53be0a at aol.com>
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>Fri, 06 Feb 2004 11:12:27 -0500 >X-BeenThere: amps at contesting.com
> >X-Mailman-Version: 2.1 >Precedence: list >Reply-To: "Ian White, G3SEK"
> >List-Id: Amps Reflector >List-Unsubscribe: , > >List-Archive: >List-Post:
> >List-Help: >List-Subscribe: , > > > wrote: > >I have heard the term
>"super cathode drive" many times but have not seen an > >explanation of
>what it means. A Google search turns up links that mention > >super cathode
>drive and G2DAF circuits but no real definition. > > > >Can anyone out
>there clarify this subject? > > >Only in one respect - super cathode drive
>and the G2DAF configuration >are totally UNconnected. > >-- >73 from Ian
>G3SEK 'In Practice' columnist for RadCom (RSGB) > Editor, 'The VHF/UHF DX
>Book' >http://www.ifwtech.co.uk/g3sek >------------------------------ >
> >Date: Thu, 5 Feb 2004 12:40:45 -0800 >From: R.Measures >To: , , > " AMPS"
> >Subject: Re: [Amps] Re: matching network >Message-ID:
><20040205204104.5961331940E at dayton.akorn.net> >Content-Type: text/plain;
>charset="US-ASCII" >MIME-Version: 1.0 >Precedence: list >Message: 4 > >**
>Super-cathode drive means g1 is tied to the cathode, the screen/g2/ >is at
>RF-ground, and the cathode is driven. Typical power gain is >roughly = to
>the g1-g2 amplification factor -- i.e., which is typically 4 >to 5.. . A
>tuned input is needed to compensate for the wild swing in >input Z during
>the drive cycle. >-- > > >I have heard the term "super cathode drive" many
>times but have not seen an > >explanation of what it means. A Google search
>turns up links that mention > >super > >cathode drive and G2DAF circuits
>but no real definition. > > > >Can anyone out there clarify this subject? >
> > > >Tnx/73, > >K5GW > > >------------------------------ > >Date: Thu, 05
>Feb 2004 19:21:24 -0800 >From: Mike Selfridge >To: amps at contesting.com
> >Subject: [Amps] Tube Physical Sizes >Message-ID:
>< at encoreengineering.com> >Content-Type:
>text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed >MIME-Version: 1.0
> >Precedence: list >Message: 5 > >A friend asked me if there was a place on
>the web that had tube >dimensions. Electrical characteristics are
>relatively easy to find, but >not physical sizes. I thought I'd help him
>out, and ask the question >here. He was specifically interested in the
>following tubes: > >3-1000Z >3CX1200A >3CX1500 > >Does anyone have one of
>these they could measure, if not a web address for >this information? >
> >Thanks. > >73 > >--Mike (N6QG) > >------------------------------ >
> >_______________________________________________ >Amps mailing list
> >Amps at contesting.com >http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/amps >
> > >End of Amps Digest, Vol 14, Issue 8
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