[Amps] MagCap Engineering ?

R.Measures r at somis.org
Tue Feb 10 10:18:15 EST 2004

>In a message dated 2/9/04 09:11:57 AM Eastern Standard Time, 
>Chuck_Partain at Maxtor.com writes:
>>   I was asking about a 240v pri 2800v sec. 1.5A  CCS , The Peter Dahl I
>>   bought a few years ago is 74 lb's. The MagCap is only 30lb's , maybe
>> bigger
>>   is not better?
>>   I would like to hear from those that are using the MagCap before I place
>> an
>>   order, good, bad or whatever
>>   Tks Ed N5BLZ 
>I DO NOT suggest being an authority on this subject about transformers, but 
>in my experience over the years with them, it sounds to me that 30 pounds 
>for a 
>1.5ACCS transformer is very light weight.  Seems to me that it should weigh 
>at least twice that!  I thought that the Hypersil method of winding 
>transformers lowered the weight somewhat, but even at that they tend to be 
>heavy.  If the 
>weight of that is really 30 pounds for a 1.5A CCS transformer, I would like 
>to know how they accomplish that.  perhaps someone on the list is an 
>on this and can explain how they lighten up the weight of such a powerful 
>transformer!  I once bought a NEW Hypersil from Mr. PD, it is 3000v at 2A 
>CCS, as I 
>recall it weighs about 60 pounds or more!
>73 Louie W1QJ

**  The bottom-line with Hipersil® transformers is winding resistance, 
not advertised ratings.  

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