[Amps] SB-1000 - 3-500Z restoration

Tim _W1WCI kb1gfv at arrl.net
Tue Feb 10 20:18:12 EST 2004

Amp is working......with a new tube.  Thanks to all for the help and 
suggestions.  Checked transformer, checked filament voltage.  Old tube 
glowed nice until RF was added, then arched again.  New tube works fine.

Repaired meter switch tonight.  Before only HV and plate worked.  Now I 
have Power too, I don't use ALC so I don't know.

I am getting old, but before I replace the switch I thouht I check the 
idilling plate current (80 as specified) by shorting the keying line to 
ground.  Now that I have replaced the switch I get an idling plate 
current of 150.  I am wondering what this might fortell or what I might 
check if all is not well???

Thanks for any help.

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