[Amps] Re:HELP! - Looking for A Heathkit Parts Expert

Dennis12Amplify at aol.com Dennis12Amplify at aol.com
Thu Feb 19 23:44:30 EST 2004

In a message dated 2/19/04 10:06:58 PM Central Standard Time, 
garyschafer at comcast.net writes:
Hi Dennis,

What are you getting for the transformers.
Any other transformers available that can provide 2800 to 3000 volts. 
Don't need it for a heath kit so doesn't have to be heath.

Gary  K4FMX

 I'm still trying to find out just what I've got!

 I am really Looking for some help from some Heathkit 'experts' here on the 

I am not posting on here to sell parts, because I don't think that kind of 
stuff belongs on a reflector, but was responding to a man's query for someone 
with a replacement power transformer for his SB-220, and thought I could help 
him because I may have one, but I am not sure if what I have is the correct part 
for that amp or not. 

 All I know to date is that it is in a Heathkit sealed box, weighs a LOT, and 
has some part numbers on the outside of the box that I posted here so some 
expert could tell me what I really have in that box.

 I don't have that many original Heathkit boxes anyway!

 I only have about 4 transformers and maybe 25 or 30 meters.

 As to you question about if I have other transformers:

 I do have other transformers, and many of them are capable of that kind of 
voltage at 1KW or more, but I would have to inventory and test them. I even 
have a 3-phase transformer pair for a very large transmitter. One large one was 
for the plate supply and the other was for the filaments and bias voltages. I 
don't think I could lift the Plate Supply transformer any more, and the 
nameplate data on it has faded so badly I doubt I could read it. Something like that 
would probably have to be picked up here in Frankfort, Illinois because I 
wouldn't know how to pack and ship it.

 Most of my power transformers are for old tube type audio amplifiers because 
I used to repair a lot of musical instrument amplifiers and an occasional 
Dynakit, H.C., Scott, or the Knight-Kit copy of the Dyna.

 If I do 'catalog' the transformers and other parts, I would probably try to 
hook up with someone who could post both their pictures and their descriptions 
on a web site somewhere because the kind you are talking about would weigh 
too much to have me ship one to someone and have them ship it back to me because 
they didn't get exactly what they wanted.

 I still can't believe how many emails I have received related to those 
transformers and meters!

 This is all new to me and I am probably not handling it very well, but 
please bear with me until I can find if I really do have the correct parts.


Dennis O.

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