[Amps] Transformer varnish removal

R.Measures r at somis.org
Wed Jan 14 06:21:27 EST 2004

>As a newbie to the list apologies if  this topic has been covered before. 
>For some years I've been modifying ex PC switch mode power supplies to give
>14v @ 20A for various rigs and amps.  I do this by making a few component
>value changes and rewinding the secondary of the switching transformer. In
>order to do the rewind I have to remove most of the varnish from the
>transformer and to date have done this by soaking the entire transformer in
>mineral turps for a few days. This normally softens the varnish enough  to
>scrape it off, separate the E cores and start the rewind process. However,
>my current batch of transformers don't seem to be effected by the mineral
>turps and I can't seem to find a suitable solvent to soften it. Any
>suggestions as to a suitable solvent. 
**  Newer magnet wire has a high-temp silicone-varnish coating.   I 
remove the insulation with a propane torch and steel wool, however, 
paste-type paint-remover might be worth a try.   Also, silicones are 
generally vulnerable to petrol/gasoline fuel for automobiles.  My guess 
is that the solvent is benzene (C6, H6).

cheerz,  Phil.
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