[Amps] SELL: Thordarson HiPot Transformer

Ronald Lumachi w2cqm at juno.com
Sun Jan 25 10:44:47 EST 2004

Offering a potted Thordarson dual winding high voltage transformer
#T48212 perfect for powering up a high voltage "Hi Potting" circuit for
testing amplifier tube high voltage  breakdown parameters. 115VAC
primaries for convenient Variac power up  control.  Porcelain standoff
secondaries: 2.5VAC @ 2 amps;  4500VAC@ .004A (4 ma). Measures  a compact
4-1/2" x 5-1/2"x 5-1/2" and weighs about 8lbs. $75+ shipping   (from zip
18426) Ron W2CQM/3

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