[Amps] Horizontal or verticle?

Steve Thompson g8gsq at qsl.net
Mon Jan 26 10:30:25 EST 2004

On Sunday 25 January 2004 17:55, Richard wrote:
> There is a bit of debate between Polish and Ukrainian amp builders.
> The some members of the Polish school argue, based on some American
> literature, that a valve (ceramic) should be based vertically, while some
> well known Ukrainian builders, have there GU74b's amps horizontal.
> Now some Poles maintian horizontal is bad as, as for lack of a better word,
> "pollutants" which occasionally fall from the anode land on th grid, rahter
> than at the base of the valve as would be the case if the valve was
> verticle, and this eventually causes a short in the valve.
Sounds like nonsense to me. If you subject one to sufficient mechanical or 
electrical violence to produce and loose matter inside, you should be 
replacing it anyway.

There are many valves that are specified for vertical mounting only, usually 
because of the nature of the filament. Most ceramic valves can be used any 
way up, and I've seen nothing inside Russian ones to make them any different.


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