[Amps] E rating of PVC

GGLL nagato at arnet.com.ar
Wed Jul 14 09:22:29 EDT 2004

	I'm interested in this thread because I need a HV probe (upto 6 KV will 
be enough for me, I have seen a Fluke one, but here it's expensive), and 
the possibility to build one myself interest me. I know many of these 
have a large (long) resistor inside, also into a vacuum chamber for long 
term stability. Which resistor (string of, I suppose, not a single one) 
could be recommended to build a reasonably accurate, 10:1 probe?.  My 
main concern is regarding this resistor reliability along time. I plan 
to use it attached to a 10 Meg input DVM, I also own an analog AVOmeter 
(model 20, 20000ohms/volt) but the readings will be different.
Any help will be appreciated, thanks in advance.

Best regards
Guillermo - LU8EYW.

R.Measures escribió:
> On Jul 12, 2004, at 7:17 PM, Lane Zeitler wrote:
>> "Loaned" my commercial high voltage probe to a "friend" and have not 
>> seen it in six months, the "friend" claims he does not have it. Need 
>> to homebrew a HV probe, can I use Schedule 20 or 40 pvc?
> •  Yes
>> Will it handle the E (4 kvdc). I guess I could hi pot test it. Any 
>> info appreciated.
> •  PVC is good with DC.  With RF, sometimes it works and sometimes it 
> melts.  The best RF plastic in a plumbing emporium is ABS.
> cheers, Lane.  Richard L. Measures, AG6K, 805.386.3734.  www.somis.org
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