[Amps] RE: 4CX250B Screen Supplies

R.Measures r at somis.org
Sat Jul 24 07:24:58 EDT 2004

On Jul 23, 2004, at 12:15 PM, Will Matney wrote:

> What Rich says is exactly right! The voice can range anywhere in the 
> audio spectrum and thus makes the screen current swing widely. The two 
> tone test only uses two of the spectrums frequencies and is a constant 
> value. Thus, the screen current will be constant and proportional to 
> the two incoming tones. Like he mentioned, it wouldn't matter if it 
> was regulated or not because it would be set for only those two tones. 
> ...

Hi, Will -- If the screen-PS current was constant, the screen-V must 
have been constant whether the PS was regulated or not even.    So why 
did the advertised two-tone tests show reduced IMD when one type of 
screen regulator was used?

Rich, AG6K

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