[Amps] GS 35B

jeff millar wa1hco at adelphia.net
Sun Jul 25 01:46:04 EDT 2004

Note the phrase "grid driven".  None of the nd2x.net QRO GS-35B, 
including DL4MEA, amps uses grid driven. 

It would be an interesting choice with less drive power  required.  But 
probably a lot more than for a tetrode due to the high grid current that 
GS-35 Amps ususally run.  The voltage swing has to remain the same, but 
the drive current drops from plate current plus grid current to just 
grid current....about from 600 mA + 150 mA to just 150 mA.

Approximating...that means the drive impedance rises by 4x and the drive 
power drops to 1/4 and overall gain rises by 6dB...from 10-13 dB to 
16-19 dB.

All this assumes the builder can arrange the components and neutralize 
the thing...but that was the original question...

jeff, wa1hco

Frank Goenninger wrote:

>Hi John -
>On Fri, 2004-07-23 at 18:13, JMLTINC at aol.com wrote:
>>Hi to all-
>>Has anyone built a 2m, grid driven, GS-35B amp? I would appreciate some thoughts on neutralizing teqniques for this brute.
>No my self, but see just one example at
>>Thanks in advance!
>>-John N9RF
>You're welcome.
>73, Frank, DG1SBG
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