[Amps] Which Vg2 for 4CX1500B SSB ?

Radio WC6W wc6w at juno.com
Sun Jul 25 09:57:16 EDT 2004

On Sat, 24 Jul 2004 23:42:42 +0200 "Peter van Daalen"
<peter at pmvandaalen.demon.nl> writes:
> Hi all, I am new to this list and need some help.

Hi Peter,
   Welcome to the group!

> In various ( linear SSB ) 4CX 1500B PA designs I have seen various Vg2
> voltages from + 225 V until +300V.

   It may be useful to make it adjustable over that range.

> As far as I could recall, the lower the Vg2 the lower the IM3.

   Generally true.  
> What could be the reason for designing a ( SSB linear ) 4CX1500B
> with  Vg2 at 300 V ?

   Higher Vg2 will allow for higher peak power output.

> End of all, one of the reasons to choose for a 4CX1500B is the relative
> IM3.


> What are pro's and con's of such high Vg2 ?

   More peak power capability at slightly higher distortion.

   225 volts is allows for about 900 watts;  250 volts is good for 1400
watts or so.

   In either case, the distortion is lower than 99.9% of the driving
transmitters out there.

> EIMAC's " Care and feeding.. " does not resolve this question for me. 
> Who could ?

   Maybe this group?  :-)  

> Thanks.
> Peter, PE1ECM

73 & Good morning,
   Marv  WC6W


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