[Amps] 2 x 8877

R.Measures r at somis.org
Mon Mar 1 08:56:33 EST 2004

>Ed Briggs wrote:
>> Regarding glass windows, I've seen them in pictures, and always
>> wanted an amp with one, but was always concerned about RF leakage and
>> the possibility of long term exposure to VHF harmonics, particularly
>> when I got up close to the window to admire the tubes.
>My guts tell me it's unlikely to be a problem. A modest viewing window is
>going to be a tiny fraction of a wavelength and thus a very inefficient
>radiator, and the energy in harmonics where it will radiate effectively
>should be low. If you add metal round the edge so that you're looking
>through a 'tube', you can cut radiation dramatically, although I don't know
>what the relationship between the dimensions of the window and the length of
>the tube needs to be.
**  The ideal viewing window for a 4-1000A would be one that magnifies 
about 40%..

cheers, Steve
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