[Amps] Henry 3K-A

Joe Isabella n3ji at yahoo.com
Thu Mar 4 06:15:22 EST 2004

Funny you mention the 3K-A, Rich.  I may be picking one up this weekend.  Having found very little
on the 'net using Google, I wonder if anyone here has any suggestions (mods, upgrades, etc). 
Also, what is the supply's ratings (Plate V, etc).

Thanks & 73,

--- "R.Measures" <r at somis.org> wrote:
> **  Very few Ham amplifiers have a HV supply that will not sag under a AØ
> / dead-carrier - thereby producing a mistune.  The Henry 3K-A is one of
> the few that has such a supply, however, it's 3-500Z cooling system is
> not adequate for doing so (solder in pins 1 and 5 melts).  //  note - One
> way to reduce average current during tuneup is to use a tuning pulser.
> >
> >

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