[Amps] Interesting news

Leigh S. Jones kr6x at kr6x.com
Fri Mar 12 20:54:35 EST 2004

Eimac Offers New Radio Power Tube
The Eimac division of CPI is out with a new power tube for radio
transmitters that will be on display at the NAB show.

The air-cooled 3CX1500D7 ceramic metal triode operates at 5 volts, 30
amps. The company said it delivers the same performance in many
applications as a pair of 3-500Z glass tubes.

"With output power capability above 2 kilowatts from this single new
tube, actual usage at 1500 Watts does not even begin to approach the
design limits," according to spokesman John Allan in the company's

"Mounting is in the same SK-410 socket used by the 3-500Z, and the
filament voltage is the same. Since the 3CX1500D7 filament current
matches that of two 3-500Zs, we do advise that related circuitry (such
as RF chokes) be checked for their ratings if this tube is applied in
a retrofit. It may be operated in zero-bias, grounded grid
configuration at plate voltages up to 3kV, and may be operated up to
6kV with appropriate grid bias."

He said the device will interest equipment manufacturers and DXers for
use in RF linear amplifiers.

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