[Amps] amp conversion web sites

RICHARD GEORGE k6kwq at msn.com
Thu Mar 18 10:28:02 EST 2004

With the same Henry power supply components not much more then the 500Z's and you would also need a lot more drive for 2 GS35's, and a lot more air.

K6KWQ Dick "12 Volt radios are for wimps, real radios can kill you" Still can't make it go QRO with "More Power"
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Jan Erik Holm 
  To: amps at contesting.com 
  Sent: Wednesday, March 17, 2004 10:04 PM
  Subject: Re: [Amps] amp conversion web sites

  Gee it took a lot of work to convert that old and dusty
  Henry to GS35?s.
  By the way, how much would two GS35 put out on HF? I
  would guess 4 to 4.5 maybe?

  73 Jim SM2EKM

  Thomas Hix wrote:

  > http://groups.msn.com/tomstubes/henryampconversion.msnw
  > http://groups.msn.com/tomstubes/titaniiconversion.msnw
  > These are a couple of amp conversion sites I have put together to show a 
  > conversion on a Henry with 2 3-500z tubes to a pair of Russian GS35B 
  > tubes and the second site is a conversion on a  Ten Tec Titan II from a 
  > single 4cx1600b (which is no longer available) to a pair of 
  > 4cx800a/gu74b tubes.
  > I hope you enjoy looking at them.
  > 73
  > Tom....W4TH

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