[Amps] SELL: Steel Hinged Project Enclosure

Ronald Lumachi w2cqm at juno.com
Wed Mar 24 09:35:46 EST 2004

Offering a 9x18x16" HD steel hinged project enclosure. Will accept  a
slide in rack mount chassis. Top section hinged for easy interior access.
Unit is in excellent coondition with no bangs dents or dings except for
two inexplicable 3/8"  holes (one visible on the top left) drilled in the
case. The second hole is on the left side top corner on the same axis as
the top hole. I planned for a RF deck project (subsequently aborted) 
with a remote power supply  however will work perfectly  for  an antenna
tuner cabinet. $25+ shipping. (Can pick up at Timonium)  Ron W2CQM/3 

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