[Amps] Re: insulation

R.Measures r at somis.org
Wed Mar 24 17:09:30 EST 2004

>Yes it is given that I work with bigger handled tubes mostly. I also 
>have to consider a second parameter when selecting insulators for 
>some of our RF amps, and thats gamma, beta and sometimes neutron 
>irradiation. Teflon isn't so great when exposed to 'rads'.

>But if someone were to run across some UDEL polysulfone (looks amber 
>to Pepsi-Cola colored translucent) at a junk box, auction, or 
>dumpster behind a machine shop, they would have nearly perfect RF 
>choke forms. Rexolite is often used for Radomes and insulators in 
>commerical BC rigs.

cheers, John

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