[Amps] 2x8877 question

R.Measures r at somis.org
Tue Mar 30 05:20:29 EST 2004

>Hello gang.
> I have a amp running two (2) 3CX1500A7 tubes. It was built to use on 75m 
>AM. Here is the problem. With it keyed....no modulation....the grid 
>current is about 40-50 mills. When speaking though the grid current peaks 
>to 200+ on voice peaks. 

•     200mA of grid-current multiplied by the 8877's  typical 
grid-cathode driving potential of 57Vrms = 11.4w of grid dissipation.  
The rated grid-dissipation of a pair of 8877s is 50w.  What problem, Stan?

>Using the "load" to bring it down really brings 
>down the output. I have ran other amps (Alpha 89,Command 2500E,etc) and 
>have had no problem keeping the grid peaks down by advancing the load. But 
>only loosing 100-200 watts output. The transmitter is a Johnson Valiant. 
> I am wondering if I increase the bias voltage from the current 8.2 to say 
>12 or 16 volts if this will help out. I know I will have to drive it a bit 
>harder to get a given output with the higher bias voltage,but that is no 
>big deal.
> Any help from the knowledgeable would be greatly appreciated.
>PS....plate voltage is 3900v under load.
>Take care,Stan
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>Amps at contesting.com

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