[Amps] QUERY: National Radio Stacked Bobbin HV Choke

w2cqm at juno.com w2cqm at juno.com
Wed Mar 31 06:24:23 EST 2004

Was wondering if anyone has access to the spec sheet for a National Radio
(Malden)  high voltage stacked bobbin type plate choke? The model number
is a 175A with a prefix of either "K" or "R". It's complete and mounted
on a small  three point mounting pedestal with a short porcelain
standoff. There are eight (8) discrete windings and it  can be described
as "pagoda"  in style. Sure would appreciate knowing the current capacity
and the tuned frequencies. It's a neat piece of vintage gear.  Thanks,
Ron W2CQM/3 

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