[Amps] Relay info wanted

Peter g3yyn.online at virgin.net
Sun May 2 13:52:11 EDT 2004

Hi Arne,
M/A Com 1989  catalogue  shows a changeover to using part numbers rather
than model numbers and includes the words:
" Model numbers are for reference use relative  to previous catalogs. Use
part number when ordering".

Model  Number :   MA7524-PND  DC - 12.4GHz, Part number 3071-6201-24

DC - 4.0 GHz
 VSWR (MAX.)   1.3:1
Isolation     (Nom.)  70 dB
Insertion Loss (MAX.)   0.3 dB
CW Power (MAX)    100W

Life 1,000,000 Cycles
Wt 9.5 oz nom
Switching time 0.03 Sec. Max,   Break-Before-Make

1989 Catalogue also references  what looks like  the start of a replacement
range with a higher spec to 18 GHz.  The "equivalent"  18 GHz unit was
3671-6201-24 :-

DC - 4.0 GHz
 VSWR (MAX.)   1.2:1
Isolation     (Nom.)  75 dB
Insertion Loss (MAX.)   0.3 dB
CW Power (MAX)    300W

Can scan catalogue page(s) and mail if required.

73 de Peter G3YYN

----- Original Message -----
From: "ARNE GJERNING" <gjerning at flash.net>
To: "AMPS REFL" <amps at contesting.com>
Sent: Friday, April 30, 2004 10:31 PM
Subject: [Amps] Relay info wanted

> Does anyone have some good info on the following  relays?  Want to know
> vs power rating, insertion loss,  isolation, and make/break times.
> AMPHENOL P/N 303-10167-3
> Both are SPDT with N connectors.  Interest is in frequencies up to at
> 1.3GHz.
> 73 de Arne N7KA
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