[Amps] SB200

carl seyersdahl carlseye at tampabay.rr.com
Mon May 3 15:18:51 EDT 2004

  I have an SB200 here which is a little different than any others I've
seen.. It has an RCA type input connector, and also a two gang load
capacitor. I am wondering if anyone else has seen this type . I just
finished installing a new power supply board, soft start unit and soft key
unit.!! (Harbach mods) I didn't notice the input connector before because I
couldn't fire it up on account of the "terrible " condition of the old
  Anyway, when I was done with the mods and started checking things out I
noticed it was oscillating a bit on 20 and 40 mtrs.  Noinput and unloaded
output. With a dummy load on the output it appears stable. I have worked on
a number of these amps and never saw one unstable.However, I rewound the
plate choke , as it looked burned , and also the fil. choke (18 ga. wire, to
drop the fil v a little)  I don't really know if I might have accidentally
caused a problem , but I'd like to hear any comments anyone might have.!!!
     thanks to all.!!!
 carl / kz5ca

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