[Amps] Re: Reflector Text Only

Dennis12Amplify at aol.com Dennis12Amplify at aol.com
Sat May 8 08:23:56 EDT 2004

In a message dated 5/7/04 7:33:00 PM Central Daylight Time, 
wrt at dslextreme.com writes:
Reflectors do not reformat messages.  They add information to the header
and sometimes add information at the end, but reformatting, no.

HTML was invented for the web, not for email.  Most reflectors have
statements in their FAQ's about sending text only.  Been that way
forever.  Glad I could wise you up.

 When I was running AOL 7.0 I originally had it set to to send both text and 
HTML so I would be compatible with everyone, (same as when I was running 
Netscape), but I have since upgraded twice and am running AOL 9.0 now. 
 I tried to check how my messages are being formatted in 9.0 and can't find a 
setup option anywhere to send in any format but HTML. If someone can explain 
how I can send plain text to this reflector I will do my best to oblige Bill.
 I have never sent the reflector anything BUT text, no embedded pictures or 
anything other than an occasional underlined word or phrase, albeit it probably 
was text in HTML format. And what I send does not very often look at all like 
what gets 'refelected' so there must be some reformatting going on somewhere 
in the loop.
 I have often sent email both to the reflector and to the private party 
involved, and I'm sure the recipients of those emails were able to see the 
differences between what they saw in their direct copies and what actually gets 

 I, personally, don't know how to 'fix' the problem from my end since I can't 
find the associated setup option; but if someone makes a recommendation, 
(other than me never getting on the reflector again), I would be willing to try it.


Dennis O.

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