[Amps] FS: 4-400 pulls (7 pcs)

bearlabs at netzero.net bearlabs at netzero.net
Sat May 8 10:22:52 EDT 2004

I've got some 4-400s that are doing me no good for sale, if no one scoffs these up, next stop is ebay...

These were purchased from a Central NY broadcast station chief eng too many years back, he assured me that they were all functional, no bad fils, shorts or gas. I have *never* tested them. Afaik they are as they were represented to me then. I will get a chance to test them in a few 
weeks, after that the price will be reflective of that.

Here's what I've got:

 (2) Eimac 4-400
 (2) Eimac 4-400 (slightly different plate structure)
 (2) Amperex 4-400C (graphite plate)
 (1) Amperex 4-400A (graphite plate)

I'd like to sell these as a single lot. Make a dumb bunny offer. I will
consider selling pairs. Trades for incredibly cool stuff that I really
want will be considered (boatanchors, xmitters &/or recievers, or other stuff working or *not working* considered) but prefer a straight cash deal. 

Digital pix available on request. 

--> PLEASE RESPOND TO: bear at bearlabs.com (do not hit reply!!)

    _-_-bear WB2GCR  

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