[Amps] Screen voltage regulation

R.Measures r at somis.org
Thu May 13 11:21:48 EDT 2004

On May 12, 2004, at 11:34 AM, Thomas Hoeppe wrote:

> Hello guys,
> I am new on this reflector, so may be I am asking a question whitch 
> has been discussed before.
> I am looking for a simple design for the regulation of a screen 
> supply. I need 800V and about 50 mA. I will have to take care of some 
> negative current, so the supply has to be able to do that or I will 
> use a 100mA supply and allow 50 mA of current through a resistor to 
> ground. My anode voltage is 5 KV, so I don't want to get the G2 
> voltage from the anode voltage.

For my current tetrode-with-handles A/AB1 project, I am using a 
semi-simple 1500v resonant-choke filter screen supply with a 50k-ohm 
100w bleeder and No electronic V regulator --  such as:
-   The logic is that with a resonant-choke filter, the screen 
regulation will be good enough and that 30mA of shunt-current will 
handle negative/reverse screen current during tune-up.  Collins used a 
resonant-choke filter screen supply on the 30L-1, so I thought I might 
give it a go.  If it's not good enough, there's a 1600V tap on the 
transformer to allow for the series pass regulator circuit above.

good luck, Tom
> I am looking for easy and rugged solutions. (KISS.......keep it simple 
> and stupid!)
> Any ideas?
> Thanks in advance.......
> Tom, DJ5RE (DL0AO crew)
Richard L. Measures, AG6K, 805.386.3734.  www.somis.org

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