[Amps] 12 tube 3-500Z

Dr. William J. Schmidt, II bill at wjschmidt.com
Tue May 25 21:42:34 EDT 2004



Dr. William J. Schmidt, II  K9HZ
Trustee of the North American QRO - Central Division Club - K9ZC

"Collector of Edison Wind-up Phonographs... Do you have one for me?"
Email: bill at wjschmidt.com
Alternate Email: wmschmidt at charter.net
WebPage: www.wjschmidt.com

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Will Matney" <craxd1 at ezwv.com>
To: <amps at contesting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, May 25, 2004 10:04 AM
Subject: [Amps] 12 tube 3-500Z

> That 12 holer on ebay using (12) 3-500Z's is a piece of work aint it? 
> You would need at least 1 Kw to drive the thing where no standard radio 
> could ever drive it. Although, it is possible to do this, I seen several 
> flaws to this amp. First is the cooling as I only caught  5 muffin fans 
> on the top, and what looked like 3 more blowing in at the bottom. I 
> believe it were me, I would have used a couple of large blowers in the 
> bottom, then chimneys around the tubes. We all know the heat these 
> things create, especially around the tube pins at the bottom. Next, if 
> this is what I was seeing, the filament transformer was in the bottom? 
> If it was it, it kinda looked awful small to me! It about had to be it 
> as the leads for the filaments choke was tied directly to it. Third, I 
> never noticed hardly any bypass capacitors in the bottom of this beast. 
> Forth, you can notice in the top that it was used in high frequency only 
> with no band switch. Last, the plate choke looks awful small to me too! 
> I think I'm just bad to knit-pick. Anyhow, it was an attempt wasn't 
> it........
> Will Matney
> US Amp
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