[Amps] parasitic LC>load?

R.Measures r at somis.org
Fri Nov 12 04:40:22 EST 2004

On Nov 11, 2004, at 11:45 PM, Ian White, G3SEK wrote:

> R. Measures wrote:
>>> Been thinking.
>>> If some of these rigs 'want to' go parasitic, would it be beneficial 
>>> to help them via a broadband VHF resonant circuit that is coupled to 
>>> the HF RF tank with that VHF LC discharging into a dissipative  
>>> side-load?
>> According to a friend who used to work for an amplifier manufacturer, 
>> their 100kW MF-HF model had a resistance-wire hoop suspended in the 
>> output compartment to dampen the compartment's VHF resonance.
> It's a standard technique in amplifiers that have very large (like, 
> walk-in) output compartments, where the cavity resonance could come 
> down to 50-100MHz or even lower. No doubt John Lyles could tell us 
> some stories, if he's around.
> On the other hand, the cavity resonances in the output compartments of 
> amateur-sized amplifiers are typically up in the UHF region, and are 
> nothing we'd normally need to worry about.

Interesting, Ian.  I have seen a number of Ham amplifiers whose output 
compartment is larger than a 2m repeater cavity.
> But what amazes me is the number of amateur amps (both HB and 
> commercial) that don't even *have* an RF-tight output compartment! The 
> power supply, control wiring, mains wiring and even the RF input 
> circuit are all swimming in RF. And then we wonder where instabilities 
> come from...

But of course, with so many possibilities, how is one to choose which 
is causing the hitch?
> -- 
> 73 from Ian G3SEK         'In Practice' columnist for RadCom (RSGB)
> http://www.ifwtech.co.uk/g3sek
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Richard L. Measures, AG6K, 805.386.3734.  www.somis.org

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