[Amps] Here's a Shocker

John Lawson jpl15 at panix.com
Mon Nov 15 15:09:23 EST 2004

On Mon, 15 Nov 2004, Will Matney wrote:

> Isn't the natural frequency for nervous system about 40 Hz? I remember 
> talking to a guy who was investigating the use of electromagnets to help with 
> healing, and if I remember correctly, he said it was at 40 Hz. I can't 
> remember to be honest, does anyone know?

   Will, there is no 'natural' frequency for any mammalian nervous systems. 
There *are* several well-known rates devolving from varsious neurlogical 
processes, but the rate and frequency of action-potential propagation in 
the nervous system depends on the originating stimulus.

   If you grab the wrong end of a soldering iron, that particular group of 
impuses may only fire once or twice, although there will be a good number 
of parallel processes, from jerking your hand away to filling the 
nieghboring air with Fanciful Language.

   In the case of the optic nervous process, then the potentials are firing 
quite rapidly, upward of 100 Htz for each nerve in the optic bundle.

  But the main reeason for my alarmed screed  is still the very dangerous 
lack of a basic understanding of the hows and whys of electrical safety 
(as it applies to our rather dangerous hobby) evidenced by the original 
posting's premise that shock hazards and electrocution danger could in any 
way be mitigated by raising the mains frequency.

   Not to mention that a line F of 1Khtz would make my old clocks run 
really really fast, and there's barely enough time to get Stuff done as it 
is.  Perhaps that's my subconcious reason....

John  KB6SCO

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