Fwd: [Amps] 10 cps and the nervous system

SamuelR717 at aol.com SamuelR717 at aol.com
Tue Nov 16 12:17:39 EST 2004

In a message dated 11/16/2004 5:47:39 AM Eastern Standard Time, 
jerrybale at yahoo.com writes:
When studying Tesla's works and inventions, he alluded to the earth 
undulating at 10 cps, for what it is worth.  And mention was given to modulating 10 cps 
to communicate with submarines.

Jerry WD6FMF
I wouldn't take that too seriously.  Tesla was a genius and did some truely 
seminal work, but soon went off on rather strange and unscientific paths.  He 
made many unsupported statements which were closer to fantasy than science.  He 
spent his last years communing with NYC pigeons, and kept his rented room 
windows open so the pigeons could come and go.

RE ELF communications, I think (but don't have the info at hand) those 
systems worked at 10-14 KHz, not 10 Hz.


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