[Amps] tube flatulence - gettering

Will Matney craxd1 at ezwv.com
Fri Nov 19 15:02:07 EST 2004

Please note, the following was edited for the reflector. I started to 
not post this and keep it private until I noticed the question or 
complaint *was posted* on the reflector. I think now all should hear 
this. If any have a problem with me helping others, please say so and I 
will be glad to stop it in its tracks.



I'll keep this off the reflector. I did reply to Jim, privately as I am 
with you now. I'm wondering why you would be concerned about this, and 
why you would want to look up a license on anyone? I dropped my license 
in 1989 and haven't had a station since. I started using a computer 
strictly at that time. The reason I help on the reflector is just that, 
helping, as I enjoy doing it. It would seem you have a problem with 
non-hams being there and this is the very reason I dropped my license 
back in 1989. There are many non-hams who have greater educations than a 
huge number of hams when it pertains to electronics. I would think that 
one would want people with 21+ years of experience in electronics 
helping others. The list owner and moderators all are aware I do not 
carry a license any more, and it is in some posts of mine back in the 
archives if I remember. Does carrying a call sign discredit one above 
others? This is the very mentality I mentioned above for the reason of 
quitting in the first place. When ones holding a slip of paper, having a 
few letters with numbers, thinks that makes them above others, I can not 
approve of this. I didn't then, and got disgusted with the whole 
process. Thus the license was dropped. To be honest, with the type of 
mentality that still takes place, I highly doubt I'll ever get a new 
one. When or if the FCC ever levels the playing field, I may re-think it 
then. Besides that, my religion does not allow me to be discriminatory. 
Also, my own mentality does not allow it besides being religious.

Why does the use of 73's cause a problem? 73's was used years ago along 
with "good numbers to you". I fully understand what 73 means and what 
73's means, the same thing in reality even though 73's is a 
basta###zation of it which has been used for years. To me, the use of 
73's is not "silly" at all as it was used for years, maybe not by all 
hams, but has been used by some mighty excellent and good folks. I would 
think that would be mighty nit-picky over one using 73's to really poke 
fun at the whole system. To be very honest, I've only had two complaints 
since I've been on this reflector (2-3 years). This being number two. 
For a really long time I stayed in the background only posting 
occasionally. I was asked by several to help so I then posted regularly. 
You may be surprised at the e-mails I get thanking me. I don't do it for 
ego, I only do it because I like helping others who need it, plus people 
asked for it. Matter of fact, here's one from today;

Like your contributions to the Reflector Will.
John P#####. Z#####

Best & 73's

Will Matney

John/K4WJ wrote:

> Will,
> Jim, K7RDX, asked what is your callsign? You failed to answer so I 
> assume you don't have one. Another bit of evidence that you aren't 
> licensed is the fact that I can't find any records of you in the FCC 
> ULS database.
> To my knowledge, a ham license is NOT REQUIRED to subscribe to this 
> reflector. This is fine with me because there are a lot of excellent 
> people out there with a LOT of knowledge and it would be unfair to bar 
> them from this reflector just because they aren't licensed hams.
> Would you PLEASE stop placing, "Best & 73's" at the end of your 
> messages. 73 means "Best Regards". There is no "s" on the end of 73. 
> It stands all by itself. By typing Best & 73's, your saying "Best & 
> Best Regards's".  It looks pretty silly doesn't it?
> Por favor, use 73 by itself.
> Thanks and 73..de John/K4WJ
> At 01:40 PM 11/19/04, you wrote:
>> Jason,
>> In smaller receiving type tubes, and sweep tubes, that was seen in 
>> new tubes. The pale blue color was seen inside the anode or coming 
>> from the guts of the tube through holes in the anode. It's been so 
>> long now where I read about this, but it seems like it had something 
>> to do with ionization somehow from molecules of the anode or cathode, 
>> I forget which. I would imagine this could happen on larger glass 
>> tubes also. A gassy tube will arc and remind you of a flash bulb 
>> going off. The old receiving-sweep tubes which were gassy had a dead 
>> give away in that the silver coating formed by the getter(s) flashing 
>> would turn white when air entered the envelope. If B+ was applied, it 
>> would look like a small lightning storm inside with small flashes 
>> here and there. On large glass tubes, the arcing can be heard 
>> somewhat due to the power of the arc.
>> Now I'm not sure on the explanation above as I'm trying to quote from 
>> memory of about 20 years ago. As long as they're not arcing, and have 
>> proper output, run them. Old tubes should be cooked for 24 to 48 
>> hours before applying B+ by just letting the heater to run. They can 
>> also be done a similar way by heating them up and slowly applying B+ 
>> in steps over time. Some call this "gettering" but the old term I 
>> always heard was "baking one in". Gettering was actually flashing the 
>> "getter" inside of a tube which consumed the last amounts of any air. 
>> If I recall, the getter had a magnesium coating which was flashed. It 
>> then created the silvery coating on the glass where the chemical 
>> reaction took place. Hope this helps for an explanation, if I'm 
>> incorrect on this, somebody please explain it.
>> Best & 73's
>> Will Matney
>> jsb at digistar.com wrote:
>>> Question:
>>> I was given a homebrew single 3-400Z amplifier which works but I 
>>> noticed
>>> with ZSAC the top of the glass envelope has a very faint blue hue when
>>> looking across the top of the tube envelope.  When looking down at 
>>> the top
>>> of the tube I don't see this color, only when looking across the top -
>>> keying CW does not pulsate the color, the blue hue is the same 
>>> regardless
>>> of output power.  I have a couple other old junk clunker 3-400Zs 
>>> that do
>>> the same.
>>> Is this normal or is it an indication of gas?
>>> I have some 8163 Amperex 3-400Z in a Drake L4 that do not exhibit this
>>> coloration, ever.  The Eimac 3-400Z tubes do, even after having been 
>>> used
>>> to produce enough output RF to turn the anode reddish-orange for 10-15
>>> seconds.  Or does the getter not getter that quickly...
>>> thanks
>>> 73 Jason N1SU
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> 73..de John/K4WJ
> ***********************************************************
>   John/K4WJ in Pembroke Pines, FL
>    QTH  26 00 51 N
>         80 16 16 W
> K8PXG from 18 Jun 59 to 11 Feb 97
> K8WJ  from 12 Feb 97 to 07 Apr 97
> ZF2HZ from 17 May 84 to 31 Dec 84
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