[Amps] Advice on instruments for ham use

G3rzp at aol.com G3rzp at aol.com
Thu Nov 25 16:20:47 EST 2004

In a message dated 25/11/2004 15:11:08 GMT Standard Time, k7fm at teleport.com  

That is  a joy to use.  If you have a lot of spare change around, buy 
yourself a  nice spectrum analyzer for Christmas

Spectrum analysers can also lie like personnel managers. They also tell you  
things that you'd rather not know. But I agree with Colin, it's a very good  
thing to have.  My XYL agreed that it was a good thing to have, so she  didn't 
object at all to me buying one. Personally, I'm a believer in HP spec.  ans. 
and Tek scopes. Never seen a Tek spec. an. that I was impressed with.  For HF 
work, there's a Marconi Instruments one which isn't bad, either. It has  the 
advantage of a built in tracking generator.
The HP 141 series are basically repairable, except for the mixer on the  
22GHz version. Even there, it may be possible to bodge something.
Mean as I am on spending on amateur radio, good test gear seems always  
justifiable to me. I even bought me a universal component bridge this year.  But I 
think it's likely to be some time before I get a digital scope -  unless one 
comes along VERY cheap.
Peter G3RZP

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