[Amps] SELL: Eimac 3CX1200D7 Component Package

w2cqm at juno.com w2cqm at juno.com
Sat Oct 2 11:33:23 EDT 2004

Offering for sale a brand new, (NIB) never used, instant on( no filament
warmup)  Eimac/Varian triode  tube (YU121) date coded 1991in a
amplifier's builders component  package including a new,  industrially
rated air system  tube socket (porcelain insulators), UTC 115VAC 
military, potted filament   transformer rated at 6.3VAC (NO CT) @ 30
amps,  potted, 500uFd @ 30KV blocking capacitor,1.5A HV  porcelain plate
choke, chimney, industrially rated  115VAC GE high volume,low noise,
1/12hp squirrel cage blower, and a complete Eimac data sheet. The tube
has a small footprint and minimial height and  is electrically identical
to the 3CX1200A7 except for filament voltage; and  like its counterpart
is  virtually indestructible! It's designed for frequencies up to 110mHz.
Amplification factor is 200. With  6KV on the plates will produce over
2KW output with 100w+ of drive. About 60w will net 1800W output.  
Purchased for an  amplifier project that never materialized.  $625+
shipping. Note! I have an additional NIB Eimac tube, purchased as a
spare, that is available at additional cost.  Ron W2CQM/3 

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