[Amps] 3-500Z Recomendations
craxd1 at ezwv.com
Sat Oct 2 16:27:56 EDT 2004
I had heard about the DOJ getting after Eddie but on Eimacs main page,
towards the bottom you'll see them still pushing Richardson.
Sockets & Hardware
"Eimac´s extensive line of sockets, chimneys and accessories are
specifically designed to ensure longer tube life and better performance
for your Eimac tubes. All metal parts are plated for corrosion
resistance. The non-ferrous alloy spring contact fingers are silver
plated for good RF conductivity and heat treated for positive contact
and long life. An extensive inventory of complete new sockets and
replacement parts, including contact collets and complete parts kits are
available from stock at *Richardson Electronics* or through the original
manufacturer of your equipment."
Tube Remanufacturing
"Most thoriated tungsten filament Eimac tubes can be remanufactured to
original specifications and given a full new-tube warranty. During the
remanufacturing process, your tube will be cut open and inspected.
Broken filaments or grids will be replaced, and the tube recarburized
and resealed. The remanufactured tube is subjected to the same final
testing as a new tube. All remanufactured tubes are clearly marked
"Remanufactured by Eimac" and an "R" placed at the beginning of the tube
type (R4CX15,000A)."
"Tubes which can not be remanufactured include tubes with an oxide
cathode, tubes with a cracked ceramic or tubes that have lost vacuum. In
addition, the smaller tubes which normally sold for less than $600 when
new are not economical to remanufacture. A brochure listing most of the
common types currently being remanufactured and describing the process
is available. In addition to remanufacturing most popular broadcast and
industrial tubes as listed, Eimac specializes in high-power and megawatt
"Customers who normally buy new tubes through a distributor should
contact Richardson Electronics to arrange for remanufacturing of failed
tubes. Richardson carries an extensive inventory of previously
remanufactured tubes for quick inventory exchanges. When replacing a
tube, don´t forget to inspect the socket. Replacement sockets and
collets are available and in stock at *Richardson Electronics*."
I had requested some new literature about a year ago from Eimac and
received a letter with the sales literature saying "contact Richardson
Electronics" if I recall correctly. Electronics Supply, here in
Huntington, used to be an Eimac dealer. I'm going to ask them about this
when I get a chance to see who they have to buy from. I know years ago,
they bought receiving tubes from Richardson the same as myself.
I forgot about another name brand Richardson owns, National. So now they
have National, Amperex, Cetron plus a few others I may not know about.
Since the employees of MPD bought back the tube plant from the
"investors", I doubt they control that name. Under MPD's other products
link, which is for the old receiving tube line, they do give Richardson
as a source but list five other companies too. Here is the link to that
page; http://www.mpdcomponents.com/Components/other_products.htm . The
tube pictures, top row, fourth from the left, is the tube I used to
purchase in large quantities. The M-2057 which was an adulteration of
the 8908. The sixth from the left, top row, is the 8908. You can see
it's the same tube except the 8908 has an eight pin base and the M-2057
a twelve pin compactron base. Richardson caught several with their pants
down on these tubes. After several had just placed large parts orders,
they called to buy tubes, including me. We were told they were about
2500 M-2057's left and that was it, no more receiving tubes. Myself and
one other company bought all but about 1000 of them. We was buying them
for $12.50 each in quantities of 100 plus. The price after this jumped
to about $45.00 each, and now they're about $100.00 each if you can find
one new. Keeping in mind that Richardson was setting these prices!
Several large audio amp manufacturers almost went under over this.
Needless to say, I have some pretty hard feelings over this.
I had a conversation with Shugang Tubes about a year ago. They told me
that about one year earlier, they made a run of 6LF6's for someone here
in the US. Now, they wouldn't say who either. They did offer to make me
a batch and would look at others also. Batch meaning 1000+ tube orders.
Really, if I had the money, I'd do it as about $12,000 would get them.
They're selling for about $45 new on ebay so that's not a bad profit margin.
The 3-500ZG tubes are coming from about two Chinese manufacturers I know
of. They seem to be ok with no complaints now. The early Chinese tubes
were junk, but enough complaints made them start doing quality work so
they could sell them.
Will Matney
>> I,m gonna go out on a limb here but here goes. Richardson Electronics
>> pulls the strings on the Eimac tubes now. They also own the brand
>> names Cetron and Amperex. They private label for everyone else too.
>> When you get a tube from either, you don't know where it's made at!
>> Knowing how Richardson does business, they're all probably from one
>> manufacturer in China. I know of one Chinese manufacturer now selling
>> direct here in the US who told me they were private labeling the
>> 3-500Z and would not tell me to whom! My guess was RF Parts or
>> Richardson. I do know most everything you'll get under Cetron is
>> either Russian or Chinese. Now, I hate to be hard on Richardson but I
>> know for a fact who they are and how they operate.
As I understand it, Eddie Richardson was made an offer he could not
refuse by the DoJ after the they discovered that he had convinced
Eimac-Varian to sign an exclusive distributor deal that would help him
monopolize the Tx tube business. The offer, pull in your horns or go
to the slammer. My guess is that Eddie does not control Chinese tube
sales - - - yet. It's called megalomania.
>> I used to buy 1000's of tubes through their "shady" branch years ago
>> from a salesman named Bernie Guss. Bernie, told me everything that was
>> going on and who was who in both the legal and illegal business.
>> Richardson is the very reason you can not now buy a new receiving tube
>> of any type hardly as they were who bought out the GE plant down in
>> Owensburogh Kentucky. Myself and two others offered to buy out the
>> tube machinery lines for two models of tubes and Richardson flat out
>> refused to sell them. I asked the manager what would then happen to
>> the equipment. He said," It'll be put up in mothballs with dust
>> settling on it", if I recall correctly. This was done purely to raise
>> the price on receiving tubes and the price doubled shortly after that.
>> The GE plant is now named MPD and Richardson is the proud owner.
>> What burns me about this, it's nothing but a monopoly, and the US
>> government is letting them by with it!
The current Administration is pro-business -- provided the business
isn't openly advertising baby dolphin-rotissere backyard barbeques.
>> Just to put it bluntly, any name branded tube in the US, Richardson
>> controls the pricing on. I cant say that Merit (RF Parts) buys from
>> them but the tubes in big quantities has to come from somewhere.
My guess is that Merit is not in the waterbed with Eddie.
>> The only glass tube manufacturers that are left are in either Russia
>> (Svetlana, Telsa), Yugoslavia (Phillips-EI) and China, with China
>> being the prodomanent one. Chinas prodomanence is due to one thing,
>> price!
>> Will Matney
>> The RF Parts/Taylor ZGs are excellent tubes. I've had mine nearly two
>> years and they really take a beating!! I run mine mostly in AM in my
>> Henry 3K-A and they just continue to pump out the power!! Still
>> getting 2kW PEP from the Henry with ~100W drive...
>> Joe,
>> N3JI
>> "R.Measures" <r at somis.org> wrote:
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