[Amps] FL 2100B Question

Jimmy Jones jjones at etex.net
Wed Oct 13 13:04:13 EDT 2004

I've found some information on the Yeasu FL 2100 B concerning ways of
updating it to make it much more reliable.
I like the little (for me) amp and I want it to work right.
These include:
1.	Rewiring the relay to open the Filament CT Return instead of
removing normal operating bias from the tube during receive.
2.	Removing the feedback capacitor that connects the Tube Input and
Output of the Tank Circuit.
What do you guys think?
Does this sound like a reasonable way to fix the 2100 B problems?
Also, this author states that the Svetlana Tubes are low mu tubes. 
I can't find anyone that agrees with this. Even the Svetlana site calls
them High mu tubes. 
Does he mean Low mu compared with other 572 tubes?
I get the feeling that these tubes are not replacements in rf service
for 572b's but for 811's.
Is that true?
Any help will be appreciated.

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