[Amps] Bandswitch source or roller inductor

craxd craxd1 at ezwv.com
Wed Oct 13 13:29:33 EDT 2004


I seen some on Ebay for sale the other day. They had several different 
band switches and also several roller inductors. To by a new roller 
inductor, you might want to try Oren Elliott as I'd say their pricing 
would be much less than anything from Henry. The only frequencies you 
might run into problems with a roller inductors would be 50 MHz (6 
meters). Roller Inductors have been used in homebrew and a few factory 
amps for years. The main thing, say for 15-10 meters, you need to make 
sure the coil will carry the current. If it's not large enough, the Q 
will be affected greatly. Here though, you could have a large DPDT relay 
to throw in a 10 meter coil, and use the roller inductor for lower 

Oren Elliott:  http://www.orenelliottproducts.com/index.html

Will Matney

Manuel R. Alonso wrote:

>Does anybody know of a good source for reasonably priced bandswitches? I called Multi-Tech industries and a decent switch costs $250.00. The nice one's at surplus sales of nebraska are also up there in price. 
>How about uning the Henry Roller inductors in lieu of bandswitch / tapped coil. The Henry rollers are less than $200.00 ea and that is a complete assembly. 
>Does the roller present a problem at the lhigher bands were very low  inductance is needed in the Pi circuit? 
>The amp will have two 4CX800 russian tubes. tube RL = 975.
>Manuel R. Alonso
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