[Amps] Drake L4 tube replacement

Jason Buchanan jsb at digistar.com
Sat Oct 16 13:53:21 EDT 2004

Jan Erik Holm wrote:

> Yes! Just like when you run out of gas in your
> car, just put new in.

Well, the consensus is that I need to find new chimneys to use the 
3-500Z on account of the 3-400Z is a shorter tube.

There appear to be 3 different chimneys - SK 406 (4.75" tall), SK 406A 
(4.25" tall) and SK 406B (4" tall).  Sounds like the 3-500Z chimney in 
use with the L-4B would be the 4.75" SK 406 chimney - the question 
becomes whether the 4.75" chimney will fit in the older L-4.  I haven't 
seen any 3-400Z tubes for sale anywhere so it seems that the 3-500ZG 
types that are available today are the only option for replacement, and 
they require the tall 4.75" chimney.  "Cooling" is good so I don't want 
to skimp just to get by with the wrong sized chimney.

Ron W2CQM has piqued my interest with the 8877 retrofit but my uncle and 
grandfather would tar and feather me for hacking this L-4 - this amp 
part of the family!! hi hi

73 Jason N1SU

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