[Amps] why does input SWR change when HV applied?

Neil Carr G0JHC g0jhc at blueyonder.co.uk
Sun Oct 17 11:33:41 EDT 2004

I have a question..maybe  dump, but I don't know the answer.



Just finished a YC156 amp .all working well.


 I was surprised to have to re-tune the input  circuit to such an extend
that I had to open up and re-size the coils (Single band 6m amp).


Input tuning was done after 6 mins heater warm up with an MFJ analyser, but
no HV.  Soon as I applied the HV the input SWR shot from 1.0 to 3.0. This
would vary slightly between 4kv and 5kv.


Why would the i/p swr change so much once HV was applied? ..and then change
slightly dependant on how much HV? 



Looking forward to any replies.


73 Neil G0JHC 



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