[Amps] 5 kw amps -- why?

Joe Isabella n3ji at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 20 18:19:04 EDT 2004

"Peter Frenning, OZ1PIF" <oz1pif at privat.dk> wrote:
> Unlike beautiful women you CAN make a both beautiful AND usable Balun 
> yourself - take a 35mm or bigger 4C65 core and a length of RG400 Coax; 
> wind as many windings on the core as will fit (8 will do nicely from 160m 
> to above 10m) and fit the whole thing into a Marine Quality junction box 
> equipped with a PL socket, and three stainless steel eyebolts, and you'll 
> have a pleasing wetherproof 1:1 balun that'll last a lifetime and carry 
> legal limit almost indefinitely...

Peter -- The drawback is only being able to carry 1500W-pep. Ugly
baluns can easily do 10db more.

Rich -- No problem, then you just use the next larger size PFTE Coax (can't 
remember the RG designator)
and a larger core + of cause a box to fit :-))


RG 393 Maybe???

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