[Amps] SELL: HV Plate Chokes

w2cqm at juno.com w2cqm at juno.com
Wed Oct 27 21:14:01 EDT 2004

Offering for the amplifier builder  the following high voltage plate

A. B & W 800 HV plate  choke (clone) rated at 1amp.  Wound on a  solid
teflon rod. Threaded both ends. $18 shipped

B. National Radio R175A stacked bobbin HV plate choke with mounting
brackets and standoff insulator. Separate windings act as parasitic traps
for HF and WARC bands. Will handle 800ma.  $22 shipped

C. Custom  heavy duty 10-160m HV plate choke wound with # 22 wire on a 1"
solid porcelain rod. Threaded both ends for easy vertical or horizontal
mounting. Will handle 3+amps of RF.  $25 shipped Ron W2CQM/3


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