[Amps] QB3-300 Amplifier

Alberto re349 at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 28 07:44:05 EDT 2004


Recently, i got some spare QB3-300 tubes (equivalent
SRS455, 6155, 4-125), so I´m planning a new SSB
amplifier using them. I've seen lots of configurations
for these tubes in PA operation. Watching tube
datasheet, it seems like grid driven class B operation
would work: Va=2500V; Vg2=350V; Vg1=-40V aprox.

Some PA builders say also g-g configuration would
work; that is grid and screen connected and grounded
together. (I don't think so)

I'd like to know the usual ratings for amateur SSB
operation. Has anybody experience using QB3-300 in PA?


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