[Amps] AlphaRemote Software

ARS NZ3O NZ3O at arrl.net
Tue Apr 5 18:37:45 EDT 2005

I was under the impression that you could have finer control over the 
amp tuning if
you did things manually, so I was thinking of experimenting with the 
Alpharemote to
get the best settings and then write a script file for HyperTerminal 
that would upload
them as a sequence of text commands.

I guess I don't need to go to any of that effort, right?

73, Byron

Dick Green WC1M wrote:

>I've used the AlphaRemote software quite a bit. It's easy to operate the amp
>with the software, but I've not used it to remotely tune the amp. The
>program has controls for Tune, Load, Default and Enter, but doesn't
>duplicate the Tune procedure you can do from the front panel. Can you be
>more specific about using the remote option to program some setups? What do
>you have in mind? If you have the AlphaMax option, there's really no need to
>reprogram the tuning for different antenna setups.
>73, Dick WC1M
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: ARS NZ3O [mailto:NZ3O at arrl.net] 
>>Sent: Monday, April 04, 2005 7:30 PM
>>To: amps at contesting.com
>>Subject: [Amps] AlphaRemote Software
>>Has anyone used the AlphaRemote software, or a common 
>>terminal program, to program the settings in an Alpha 87A?  
>>After a station rebuild I have the serial connection working, 
>>and remote gives me some more options for amp 
>>but I'd like to use the remote option to program some setups.  Think 
>>that is easier?
>>73, Byron

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