[Amps] 500w Amplifier With 510's

Peter Frenning [OZ1PIF] oz1pif at privat.dk
Thu Apr 7 10:25:40 EDT 2005

500w Amplifier With 510'sI have so many requests for information, that I'll try to put something on my homepage tonight.

Vy 73 de OZ1PIF, Peter

**********  OZ1PIF **************
email: oz1pif(no-spam-filler)@privat.dk
Ph. +45 4619 3239
Peter Frenning
Ternevej 23
DK-4130 Viby Sj.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Bolbach, Timothy 
  To: Peter Frenning [OZ1PIF] 
  Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2005 3:30 PM
  Subject: 500w Amplifier With 510's

  I would really like to have some information about the amp you built using irf510 transistors!  If you can send some information I would appreciate it very much!!  Thank you in advance.   -  KD8CN

  Tim Bolbach PE 
  Process Automation 
  SSOE Inc 
  Tbolbach at ssoe.com 


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