[Amps] Re.: 500w Amplifier With IRF510's - Schematic updated

Steve Thompson g8gsq at ic24.net
Fri Apr 8 05:29:13 EDT 2005

On Friday 08 April 2005 06:23, Peter Frenning [OZ1PIF] wrote:
> Some errors in the schematic corrected..
> > With PCB-design, Schematic and pictures plus some commentary:
> > http://home24.inet.tele.dk/oz1pif/50MHz_IRF510.htm
A suggestion for anyone planning to copy this - get 8 fets from one batch, so 
the gate thresholds are likely to be close together. IR specify a range of 
2-4V so a mix could end up with only some being biassed, and the others being 
non-linear. After a blowup, replace the whole lot to avoid mixing batches 
(hardly expensive!).


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