[Amps] Grid resonance

Joe Subich, K4IK k4ik at subich.com
Fri Apr 8 14:50:04 EDT 2005

> From: Steve Thompson
> Mimicing poor grid grounding by adding .5" of 16swg (14awg) 
> wire between the grid ring and the measurement system ground 
> shifts the low impedance point to about 150MHz and the high 
> impedance one to about 1500MHz while the feedthrough increases 
> to a fairly flat -40dBish from 200MHz to 1.5GHz. 

I suspect .5" is a bit conservative (short) for some of the 
poor grounding examples I've seen - particularly those that 
use a series resistor for grid metering.  Much more than .5" 
and I suspect you're down around 110 - 120 MHz. 


   ... Joe, K4IK 

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